Addressing Cardiometabolic Health Inequities by Early PreVEntion in the Great LakEs Region

The ACHIEVE GREATER (Addressing Cardiometabolic Health Inequities by Early PreVEntion in the GREAT LakEs Region) Center seeks to reduce overwhelming cardiometabolic health disparities and downstream Black-White lifespan inequality in two uniquely comparable cities: Detroit, Michigan, and Cleveland, Ohio. Building upon existing collaboration and resources across three major research institutions, two in Detroit (Wayne State University and the Henry Ford Health System) and one in Cleveland (Case Western Reserve University/University Hospitals), ACHIEVE GREATER includes four distinct but related projects that all focus on interrupting various stages of pathogenesis by addressing multiple domains of influence.
To learn more, visit the ACHIEVE GREATER website.

CV: Cardiovascular, QOL: Quality of life HTN: Hypertension, BP: Blood pressure, MHU: Mobile Health Unit, HF: Heart failure, BNP: Brain natriuretic peptide, CHD: Coronary heart disease, CMHA: Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority, CAC: Coronary artery calcium, LDL: Low-density lipoprotein, A1c: A hemoglobin A1c test measures the amount of glucose attached to hemoglobin
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