National Research Mentoring Network: A Guided Tour of NRMN Resources

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Thursday, Aug. 3, 2023, 11 am – 12 pm PT


This session will highlight helpful uses of MyNRMN, MyMentor, courses and webinar resources for early career investigators.


Damaris Javier, MA is the Associate Director, Program Management for the National Research Mentoring Network Resource Center. As the Associate Director of Program Management, Damaris leads the strategic efforts relating to NRMN recruitment, partnership and presence at national conferences and meetings as well as manages project goals and deliverable, fiscal/ reporting matters and day-to-day activities. Damaris holds a master’s in Higher and Postsecondary Education from Teachers College Columbia University and a Bachelor’s degree in Secondary Education and Mathematics, minor in Economics from the University of Vermont. Prior to joining the National Research Mentoring Network, Damaris worked in Residence Life for 3 years and thereafter served as the Director for the Office of Diversity and Multicultural Affairs at Columbia University, Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons. In this role, Damaris directed diversity programs for underrepresented populations interested in STEM and health professions and directed recruitment/retention initiatives for underrepresented medical students. Damaris has been blessed with working in communities that support her passion for access, retention, and student success.

Katie Stinson, MLIS, is a Senior Program Manager with Vanderbilty University Medical Center, Dept. of Biomedical Informatics, where she works on multiple NIH-funded projects, including NRMN, NRMN MISSION, and AIM-AHEAD.  Her work is largely focused on writing manuscripts, software training, and program management and development.  Katie began her career in advertising and transitioned to supporting the STEM workforce after completing her Masters in Library and Information Science from the University of North Texas.  Katie also has a Bachelors in Journalism from the University of North Texas.

About the ISD Webinar Series

The Investigator Skills Development (ISD) Webinar Series is presented by the Investigator Skills Development Unit (ISDU) of the UCSF Research Coordinating Center to Reduce Disparities in Multiple Chronic Diseases (RCC-RD-MCD). 

Co-Sponsored by CAPS Town Hall and the CAPS Implementation Science and Health Systems (ISHS) Core

ISDU Director: Mandana Khalili, MD, MAS, Professor of Medicine, UCSF, Chief of Clinical Hepatology, San Francisco General Hospital

ISDU Co-Director: Edwin Charlebois, PhD, Professor of Medicine,  Division of Prevention Science, UCSF