525 N. Wolfe Street
Baltimore, MD 21205
United States
Cheryl Dennison Himmelfarb’s sustained passion and commitment to reducing health disparities and improving the quality of care and outcomes for cardiovascular and critical care patients is seen as a consistent thread throughout her progressive program of research, professional practice, and teaching. Her research has led to the development of effective and transferrable health system and interdisciplinary team-based strategies to improve the quality of cardiovascular care. Dr. Himmelfarb’s scholarship has contributed to a greater understanding of social and cultural determinants of cardiovascular risk, particularly among Black and resource-limited populations. Additionally, as a deputy director of the Johns Hopkins Institute for Clinical and Translation Research, she leads the Research Participant and Community Partnership Core, a program that has enhanced research participant experience and promoted best practices for research participant recruitment and retention and community engaged research at Johns Hopkins. Dr. Himmelfarb has served on numerous National Institutes of Health and American Heart Association expert panels that have generated scientific statements and national clinical guidelines to reduce health disparities and improve the quality of cardiovascular care. Dr. Himmelfarb has been prolific in her efforts to translate and disseminate this research to both scientific and clinical audiences, thus she has informed future research and policy efforts while driving improvements in current clinical practice and patient outcomes. Dr. Himmelfarb provides leadership for research strategy and related initiatives for the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing. Her responsibilities broadly include monitoring and expanding the school's research portfolio and enhancing faculty competitiveness for research funding, while ensuring regulatory compliance and responsible, reproducible conduct of research. She is a professor of Nursing, Medicine, and Public Health.