5841 South Maryland Ave (MC-6079)
Chicago, IL 60637
United States
Dr. Elbert Huang is Professor of Medicine and Public Health Sciences, Director of the Center for Chronic Disease Research and Policy at the University of Chicago.
Dr. Huang is a practicing primary care doctor who studies clinical and health care policy issues at the intersection of diabetes, aging, and health economics. His research has provided the theoretical and evidence-base foundation for the concept of personalizing diabetes care goals as well as the contemporary natural history of the disease in older people. Dr. Huang’s research has directly influenced modern diabetes care clinical practice guidelines for older people that now emphasize 1) individualization of glycemic goals, 2) the role of patient treatment preferences, 3) the clinical importance of hypoglycemia, and 4) management of geriatric conditions. He is an expert in the use of computer simulation models of chronic diseases.
Dr. Huang co-directs the newly established Chicago Chronic Condition Equity Network (C3EN) with Dr. Elizabeth Lynch of Rush University. The overall goal of the C3EN is address disparities in multiple chronic conditions by strengthening and building collaborations across community-based organizations, practice networks, and academic researchers, by promoting a comprehensive approach to the prevention and management of multiple chronic conditions that accounts for mental health, functional health and social life, and by supporting interventions that actively seek to cross boundaries of disease-specific management, professional training, community and practice.