433 First Avenue
New York, NY 10010
United States
Prof. Emerson Ea is Associate Dean for Clinical and Adjunct Faculty Affairs and Clinical Professor at New York University Rory Meyers College of Nursing. His scholarship interest areas include nursing education and innovation, and immigrant health and well-being.
Prof. Ea, for more than a decade, has worked to advance the health and well-being of Filipino immigrants in the US. He has spearheaded and collaborated on several projects that explored health and well-being among immigrant populations in the US and globally. He is co- investigator of the Community Engagement Core of the recently funded NIH P50 Center, the Rutgers-NYU Center for Asian Health Promotion and Equity (CAHPE) focused on addressing health inequities in the AAPI community in the New York-New Jersey area. He is also Primary Investigator of 2 current projects: a mixed-methods study funded by NIH/NIA Rutgers’ Resource Center for Minority Aging Research (RCMAR) and a qualitative study funded by NYU to explore the relationship of acculturation, acculturative stress, and oral health and dental care service use among Filipino immigrants. In recognition of his clinical scholarship and community work, he received numerous recognition such as from the Office of the President of the Borough of Queens, NY, and as a Fellow of the New York Academy of Medicine and the American Academy of Nursing. Prof. Ea is also a Health and Aging Policy fellow for 2022-2023.
An enthusiastic leader in the Filipino community, Prof. Ea has served on multiple community boards to promote and advance the health of Filipino immigrants. He is Chair of the Kalusugan Coalition, a community-based organization that aims to enhance the cardiovascular health of Filipino Americans in the NY/NJ area. He is also a member of the American Academy of Nursing’s Diversity and Inclusivity Committee and was one of the inaugural American Academy of Nursing’s Jonas Policy Scholars working with the Health Equity and Cultural Competence Expert Panel from 2014-2016.
Prof. Ea received his BSN from the University of St. La Salle, Philippines, MS from Long Island University-Brooklyn, DNP from Case Western Reserve University, Certificate in Distance Learning from Thomas Edison State University, Certificate in Learning Design from NYU, and PhD from Duquesne University.