Department of Health Science
1250 Bellflower Boulevard
Long Beach, CA 90840
United States
Dr. Selena Nguyen-Rodriguez is an Associate Professor of Health Science at CSULB. She joined CSULB in 2009 as an evaluator and grant writer for the Center for Latino Community Health, Evaluation and Leadership Training and became a faculty member in 2011. Growing up in Santa Ana, CA motivates her to support the education and health of underrepresented students and under-resourced communities. Her first love was psychology and while she pursued a career in public health, all of her work includes a psychosocial approach. Since she strongly believes that teaching should not be limited to the classroom, she actively engages in programs and creates opportunities that support increasing students’ hands-on research experience and professional development. Making a difference in the lives of her students and community members is the absolute best part of her job.